My name is Dick Timmer. I am an Assistant Professor in moral and political philosophy at the Technical University Dortmund.
My research is in political philosophy and ethics. I think and write about distributive justice, economic ethics, climate change, responsibility, future generations, activism, and moral status, among other things. I am also interested in meta-oriented questions about methods and arguments in normative philosophy.
I am an active contributor to public debates. I have given interviews and published pieces in media outlets such as Algemeen Dagblad, De Correspondent, Het Financieele Dagblad, NRC Handelsblad, Radio 1, De Telegraaf, Trouw, and De Volkskrant. I am currently writing two books aimed at a general audience on inequality and distributive justice (under contract with De Geus).
In September 2021, I defended my doctoral thesis titled Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice at Utrecht University, which I wrote under the supervision of Ingrid Robeyns. In Utrecht, I was a member of the ERC Fair Limits Project.
I have studied philosophy (BA & MA) and religious studies and theology (BA) at Utrecht University, and as a visiting student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Protestant Theological University.
Together with my spouse and two children, I live in Gouda (the Netherlands).